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Evan Cowell attended USF as a visual arts major with a emphasis on graphic design.

He sepcializes in publication, typography, and completely self generated visuals to properly and creatively express anything his clients may need through mixed media.



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music link
art link
design sample image

(Design Slide-show)
Old Student Pages)

07/22/2009 1:17 PM Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up. Thank you for visiting tapedecktheory.com ! ! ! Please feel free to look around and see whats up.